Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Governements Bureaucratic Half-witted Laws :: essays research papers fc

Governements Bureaucratic Half-Witted Laws     Todays big government is a typical display of bureaucracy in its mostcreative call forth. receivable to the enormous bureaucracy within todays stategovernments, many laws have been passed through legislation that really didntneed to be passed. These laws are a display of the fashion government likes toshow power over the people using effectual suppression. Governments have createdlaws governing almost anything that the people do as an act of continuantsuppression, even if the laws my never be able to be unforced.     In reviewing many law books, many laws were found that did not seem todo anything but irritate the general populous. These laws and ordinances areused by the government to show power without having to be confronted by anyparticular person who might have been affected, because these legalsuppressors will most likely not be enforced by the local law-enforcementagencies.  & nbsp  In Alabama it is legal to drive a motor vehicle while you areblindfold. Most of the people in our nation most likely would not decide todrive with a blindfold on. Yet, the Alabama state government needs to havepower so it passed the "no driving while blindfold" law. Alabama is not theonly state with laws that seem useless. In California community leaderspassed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try to stop a childfrom playfully jumping over puddles of water. The fine for such a crime isfifty dollars and up to ten days in jail. Once again a government decided itdidnt have enough power and sentiment that it might as well impose a new law toshow its "immense" power over the people.     In Connecticut you can be stopped be the police for bike riding oversixty-five miles an hour. You can also be arrested for walking across astreet on your hands. These laws will probably not be enforced due to thefact that the odds of bikin g over sixty-five miles an hour or walking across astreet on ones hands seems unlikely.     Florida may be one of the most creative legal suppressors in theUnites States. One law reads "Women may be fined up to 150 dollars if theyfall asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner." Another law statesthat if an elephant is tied to a put meter, the parking fee has to be paidjust as it would for a vehicle. A special law in Florida also prohibitsunmarried women from parachuting on sunshine or she shall risk arrest, fine, orsometimes jailing. Men may not be seen publicly wearing any type of strapless

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