Monday, September 30, 2019

Discuss the role of emotion in psychology Essay

Emotion is often the greatest cause for either enhanced recall or impaired recall. Through many studies psychologists have found that it is not only facts we store in our memory but the emotion surrounding them.  Flashbulb memories involve an enduring imprint of events surrounding an important incident, the memory is not the event itself but where you were and what you were doing when you heard about it. Sheingold and Tenney (1982) provided evidence to support the concept of flashbulb memories. Participants were asked about personal memories and found most had good memories for when they were told and who told them. They found the flashbulb memories were strong and remained consistent over time; however there is no way of checking the accuracy of these memories. As shown by Sheingold and Tenney, a flashbulb memory’s characteristic involves consistency and has an unchanging nature and they also involve a high level of emotional arousal which leads to better recall of the event. However Wright (1993) found evidence that goes against this definition, the study involved looking at people’s memories of the Hillsborough football disaster in 1989, 5 moths after the event. It was found that most of the participants didn’t report strong flashbulb memories; in fact many people had reconstructed their memories and had mixed their own with other people’s accounts. This evidence therefore goes against the idea that flashbulb memories remain consistent over time. On the other hand Conway (1994) suggested that the reason some studies don’t support flashbulb memories is because the event wasn’t significant to the individuals. Conway et al used Mrs Thatcher’s resignation as the basis for the creation of flashbulb memories. 11 months after 86% of the UK participants has a strong and consistent flashbulb memory compared to only 29% participants from other countries. This research suggests that flashbulb memories will only be strong if the event surrounding it is significant to the individual; the UK participants would have been more aware and connected to Mrs Thatcher’s resignation than participants from other countries. The role of emotion is memory can also cause impaired memory. Freud proposed the idea of repression; unwanted memories are pushed down into the unconscious mind so you forget them. Freud described this process as a way of the ego protecting itself from emotional conflict which is often the result of harsh experiences. Williams (1994) interviewed women who has been admitted to hospital on the grounds of sexual assault, 20years previously, (they were told the study was a follow up of medical care). Williams found that 38% of the women did not show any recall of being sexually abused and that 16% of the women that did, said that at one time they couldn’t remember they had. This study therefore provides strong evidence to support the repression theory, a traumatic event was repressed and some couldn’t recall it even 20 years later. Repressed memories are defined as a traumatic event placed beyond conscious awareness. Because of this placement, these memories can also affect conscious thought. Forgetting a traumatic event, like Williams (1994) research, has also been studied through case studies. One of the most famous is Bavers (1981) study on sirhan sirhan, the man who shot Robert Kennedy, who has no recall of doing so. In this case the emotions of regret and shame were probably the cause of the repression and the reason he cannot remember what he did. It has also been suggested that repressed memories can also cause anxiety and disordered behaviour. A study that supports this concept was carried out by Karon and Widener (1997) who found that once trauma was recalled in therapy, mental illness in World War 2 veterans completely alleviated, therefore supporting Freud’s theory. However Loftus and Pickrell (1995) found evidence against Frued’s repression theory. The study was called ‘lost in the mall’ and the false memory of getting lost in a shopping centre as a child was implanted into the participants. After the debriefing 20% still held to their belief that this happened to them, even though it was a false memory showing trauma has a great affect on memory even though the memory was false but going against Frued as the memory wasn’t real. Another study by Loftus and Palmer created a theory called the ‘Weapon effect’ this was during a highly emotional event such as a robbery or assault, an eye witnesses’ recall was altered due to their focus on a weapon being used. Finally a depressive state also has an influence on memory. Negative emotions often create a negative recall bias which makes depressed people only focus on negative and unhappy experiences; a mood dependent memory. Lyketsos (2001) found in support of this that depression may lead people to be inattentive and so they don’t encode new memories into the long term memory well, therefore recall is much poorer. In further support of this Antikainen et al (2001) studied 174 depressed patients and found they performed better on memory tasks and had fewer memory problems after 6 months treatment. In conclusion emotion plays an important role in memory. It can often lead to enhanced memory, such as flashbulb memories, or impaired memory such as the repression of traumatic experiences. Negative emotion is also responsible for a lack of memory such as when someone is depressed. Overall memories are largely influenced by emotion the more positive we are the more likely we are to recall, the more negative the less likely we will recall and are more likely to forget.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ooad Design Specifications

Restaurant All-in-one Management System (RAMs) Design Specification with UML by Leung Chun Kit and Leung Ting Fong 03011720 and 03011739 (Group 22) COMP 2221 Lecturer: Prof. Jiming Liu December 4, 2004 I. Table of Content I. Table of Content1 II. Graphical Notion Used2 Notation of Use Case Diagram2 Notation of Class Diagram2 Notation of Sequence Diagram3 1. Use Case Diagram4 1. 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem4 2. Class Diagram5 2. 1. Class Diagram of RAMsystem5 3. Sequence Diagram6 3. 1. Sequence Diagram of staff6 3. 2. Sequence Diagram of manager8 3. 3. Sequence Diagram of administrator9II. Graphical Notion Used Notation of Use Case Diagram [pic] Notation of Class Diagram [pic] Notation of Sequence Diagram [pic] 1. Use Case Diagram 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem Description: End users(administrator, manager, staff) can perform ordering, editing ,checking and management function insider the RAMsystem. End user can use food ordering function and food editing function only bill had been created by user. Only manager can manage the duty roaster. No one can edit the database or checks the password database execpt the administrator. [pic] 2. Class Diagram 1.Class Diagram of RAMsystem Description: All user and database of RAMsystem is created by the administrator. Administrator can modify any of the data in the RAMsystem. Staff and manager can create or edit bill but only manager can edit duty roaster. Bill has id, date and cost. Each bill has a unique id. User can be categorized into 3 types, administrator, manager and staff. All users have their own unique id and password. Both the administrator and the other user can change their own password. However, administrator can change the password everyone. [pic] 3. Sequence Diagram 1. Sequence Diagram of staff Description:Staff can only add order, create bill, check bill. As well as edit the bill that responsible by he/she and check duty. [pic][pic] [pic] [pic] 2. Sequ ence Diagram of manager Description: Manager can do all the function which the staff has the right to do if. Furthermore, manager can edit any of the bills but not only that responsible by he/she. Also, manager can also manage duty roaster and check all the data in the database except the database that store the password. [pic] [pic] 3. Sequence Diagram of administrator Description: Administrator can do all the function of the RAMsystem including modify all of the databases. [pic]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chaper 27 Art Survey Flashcards Example for Free (#27)

Chaper 27 Art Survey the term â€Å"sublime† was considered to inspire which of the following feelings? Which of the following artists represented what was called the â€Å"sublime† in eighteenth-century art? Courbet used which of the following techniques in the â€Å"stonebreakers† to convey the drudgery of manual labor use of a palette of dirty browns and grays. In Rosa Bonheur’s most famous work, the â€Å"Horse Fair†, the dramatic lighting, loose brushwork, and rolling sky reveal her admiration for which of the following artists? In his painting ,___, Thomas Eakins portrayed things as he saw them and not as the public might want them portrayed which of the following artists had firsthand knowledge and experience of the American war? The French viewing public were greatly horrified b Manet’s â€Å"Olympia not only because of the portrayal of a naked prostitute as a work of art but also due to which of the following. Her look of cool and indifference and shameless. How did Bouguereau depict fictional themes or mythological subjects in his paintings. Through the use of polished illusionism. Muybridge used his device, the zoopraxiscope to project a series of images. Based on the motion studies he performed. Muybridge proved that the brain holds what of a second after the eye stops seeing it. The illusion of motion was created. Which of the following was also created as a result of the illusion of motion? Sargent, an expatriate American artist living and working in London, developed a style of applying paint in layers in order to create a quick and lively illusion. He learned this technique after studying which of the following works? The mood in â€Å"The Thankful Poor† by Tanner in one of quiet devotion, not far removed from the Realism of which of the following artists? In â€Å"Rossetti’s Beata Beatrix†, the model for this image was the artists wife, Elizabeth Siddal. She died shortly before Rossitti began painting. He incorporated two symbols commemorating her death. Which of the following is one of those symbols? Courbet preferred to paint which of the following themes? which of the following artists was most concerned with painting realistic scenes of poor and oppressed peoples? Gericault’s â€Å"Raft† of the Medusa† represents which of the following? The aftermath of the nineteenth- century French shipwreck and was considered an attack on government ineptitude. la Madeleine in Paris was intended for which of the following purposes? a Temple of glory for Napoleon’s Armies. Fracious Rude’s sculpture â€Å"La Marseillaise† for the Arc de Triomphe represents which of the following moments in French history? The Birth of individual freedoms in the country. The great â€Å"Romantic diaglogue† about color and form was carried on in the famous contest between which of the following artists? Which of the following artists painted in the United States? Timothy O’Sullican documented which of the following wars? Who among the following artists liked to paint images of Roman tic Transcendental landscape? Which of the following conditions is characteristic of the 19th century agrarian working class and is missing from the Haywain by Constable? What did Thomas Eakins Believe was a prerequisite for his art? Who studied with Eakins before moving to Paris? Julia Margaret Cameron used a short focal length that allowed only a small area of sharp focus. What kind of effect would a lens like this produce? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy We will write a custom sample essay on

Friday, September 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility - A code of ethics Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility - A code of ethics - Essay Example Over the past 3 years Bibbyoffshore have seen a exponential growth in their business, the company now operates 2 dive support vessels (DSV's) with a third due to come online in late 2007. The company is now of such a size that it is able to compete with the larger existing oil and gas service companies who have dominated the market over the past 15 years. As Bibbyoffshore desire to attract more complex, higher value contracts, certain client expectations, such as the way in which Bibbyoffshore view their responsibility to the environment and society, need to be met. This is reinforced by Bibbyline' own mission to maintain growth whilst operating within their core values of: This management report aims to investigate the relevance of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ethics strategy for Bibbyoffshore. Initially the development of CSR and Ethics within the Oil and Gas industry will be discussed followed by a short business case for a CSR strategy. A three year implementation strategy will be suggested along with a code of ethics and finally some concluding remarks. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the contribution of the business to the sustainable development goals of the Government. It is about how the business takes account of its economic, social and environmental impacts in the way it operates-maximizing the benefits and minimising the downsides. CSR is a voluntary actions that business can take, over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements, to address both its own competitive interests and the interests of wider society. ( Working within developing countries the oil and gas industry has the opportunity to be to be a positive force in generating the hard currency revenue that governments need to help reach national development goals. While a company is working in a country they invest and develop infrastructure, such as roads, that serve the community. This helps develop the economy of the country as supporting services such as material supply for roads is purchased within the country pouring funds into the economy. The oil and gas industry plays a key role in technology cooperation and capacity building. It means helping the host country to meet the basic needs such as infrastructure, health, education, training, job creation, and water supply. In order to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Case Study of Property Developing Firm Using Soft System Methodology Dissertation

A Case Study of Property Developing Firm Using Soft System Methodology - Dissertation Example The author of the essay "A Case Study of a Property Developing Firm Using Soft Systems Methodology" assumes that SSM study fits the concept of action research arising first in the behavioral sciences. Researchers view of the limitations of studying complex real social events in a laboratory, the artificiality of splitting out single behavioral elements from an integrated system. The action-research method fits the Soft System Methodology in which it involve in a change progress, in the system itself, as a means to both practical action and an experience relevant to the research aim of developing systems concepts. Being concerned with intervention in purposeful systems, the action researcher, unlike natural scientists, can express his research aims as hopes but cannot with certainty design them into his ‘experiences’. He is prepared to react to whatever happens in the research situation. He has to follow wherever the situation leads him or stop the research. This study advocates that the continues use of SSM on the property development help firms on the organization learning, this allow users to learn from their action systematically, as well as generating creative problem solving strategies for their growth and continuity. The strength of SSM comes from familiarity of the systems and knowledge of users; however, users need patient and practice to be able to explore the usefulness of SSM. Lastly, SSM seems to be a useful tool for large co-operations, which consist of many people, departments and operation entities.

San Diego Geologic History and Natural Hazards Summary Research Paper

San Diego Geologic History and Natural Hazards Summary - Research Paper Example The contact experienced between these geologic regions is irregular and this reflects the ancient area topography before being buried by the thick sequence of Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks that was deposited by ancient seas and ancient rivers over the last 75 million years (Abbott, P, 23) Both these rocks with their existing biological record such as the fossils, document the biological and geological evolution of this western North America part. It is recorded that at a certain point in time, there was an ancient oceanic crustal plate consumption that created volcanic islands archipelago and also this same plate subduction generated massive magma volumes which in the later stage congealed in the crust that resulted to plutonic rock. It is also observed that local rocks record an early period when erosion unroofed and tectonic forces uplifted the plutonic rocks that were deeply buried forming a rugged and steep mountainous coastline. This is similar to the one present today along the west coast of South America. Also recorded are periods of subtropical climates and higher rainfall that supported coastal rain forests with exotic floras and faunas; relentless erosion, drowned coastlines periods and great rivers; periods of extreme renewed and aridity volcanism; widespread crustal shear and faulting periods and the new seaways formation (Bergen et al, 34). The above are just some of the stories of geology preserved in the San Diego County. Deciphering the biological and geological record is a process that is ongoing and every year brings new insights and new discoveries. Geographical regions of San Diego affected by Natural Hazards The processes of natural geology which represent a hazard to health, property or life are taken to be geologic hazards. Natural geologic hazards which affect property and people in San Diego County include earthquakes that can result to ground shaking, liquefaction and surface fault rupture, expansive weathering soils, and phenomena mass wasting such as rockfalls and landslides (Bray and Kelson,5).The hazard of surface rupture has been identified as Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones (AP Zones). Two major AP Zones extend to southeast from northwest across the northeast half of the County, the San Jacinto and Elsinore fault zones; present the highest fault-rupture threat in the unincorporated San Diego County part (Anderson et al,13).Liquefaction primarily occurs in loose, saturated and fine to medium-grained soils in places where the groundwater table is basically at most 50-feet below the surface. There may be a potent ial for liquefaction within the County in areas with loose sandy soils together with a shallow groundwater table, that are typically located in floodplains and alluvial river basins/ valleys. Previous landslides together with landslide-prone sedimentary formations are located in western unincorporated County portions( Bowman,21). However, it is known that landslides can as well take place in the granitic terrain in the eastern County area, despite the prevalence is so minimal (URS, 2004). Most of the landslides that are significant have happened along coastal bluffs and other areas within incorporated County parts (URS, 2004). Existing landslides reactivations can be triggered by situations that include irrigation or heavy rainfall, seismic shaking or grading. Particular clay soils types normally shrink when dried

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

International Business - Essay Example ote that the financial markets do not often work best when they are left alone and as such there shall be some intervention by the government in the form of regulations. This argument becomes more pertinent in the wake of current financial crisis which many believe is a direct result of a de-regulated and highly independent financial system. The globalization of finance therefore is something which is now considered as something which may not be entirely good for the national and international economies. There can be many reasons that have culminated into the present crisis and as such governments tackled this issue more swiftly. However, question still remains as to why such episodes of extreme crisis happened despite the fact that financial system was considered as safe and sound before the emergence of the crisis. Most apparent reason for the financial crisis was labeled as the sub-prime mortgage crisis which resulted into defaults by the sub-prime borrowers on their mortgage obligations with the financial institutions. The process of securitization further added the fuel to this whole drama because most of the financial institutions, through their special purpose vehicles, securitized their mortgage portfolios and tied the cash flows received from their subprime mortgage portfolio with that of the securitized securities. This mismatching of the cash flows therefore resulted into the credit crunch and extension of credit to private sector therefore was reduced causing the credit crunch and started the chain reaction for the current financial crisis. What is also significant to understand that the craze of securitization increased a lot as many countries started to use this process in potentially more speculative dimensions? The spreading of the securitization however, made this process more complicated and as such very few had the capability to understand as to how the process of securitization is interconnected with each other across the markets and what can

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Corporate real estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Corporate real estate - Essay Example The real estate market has largely adopted the concept of out-tasking as indicated by numerous research studies. Some of the common tasks related to real estate that are commonly out-tasked include real estate brokerage, market analysis, site selection, transaction management, project management as well as construction management. In the case of real estate, out-tasking basically involves assigning the work involved in specialized real estate tasks as opposed to assigning the all the responsibilities involved in real estate as an enterprise. The rationale behind managers selecting out-tasking as opposed to outsourcing is that they want to retain control over the corporate processes (Zeffane, 2005, p. 30). Out-tasking is often used as a strategic catalyst that managers use to rationalize the processes of the business. For instance, executive in the real estate market carry out a comprehensive analysis of the overall real estate strategy when making the decision to out-task. Some of the decisions are assigned to a trusted advisor who determines the parts of the real estate process that will be out-tasked and the ones that will be handled inhouse. This is to ensure that there is the proper allocation of resources and talent relative to the business and professional stakeholders. In most cases, out-tasking is used as a tactical implementation of strategies that are consistent with the corporate objectives of facilities management (Williamson, 2004, p. 119). Research studies indicate that the real estate market is one of the industries that have adopted the concept of out-tasking. This has been majorly influenced by the growing needs of corporate users. This means that professionals in the real estate market have the responsibility of creating value in addition to reducing costs. Cost reduction has been the main driver for large enterprises to outsource their business

Monday, September 23, 2019

Overview of HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Overview of HRM - Essay Example As this research shall argue, however, contrary to the popular assumption that compensation schemes are the primary method for doing so, it is the collectivity of HR functions which impinge upon, and have the potential to transform the mentioned culture. In other words, while one cannot deny the fundamental role which compensation plays in affecting employee motivation levels, enhancing organisational commitment and, ultimately, transforming the dominant organisational culture, it would be fallacious and, consequently, indefensible to ignore a host of other HRM practices which, taken as a collectivity, effectively modify organisational culture and increase employees' commitment. This section introduces several perspectives of HRM in both the U.S. society and the Western European society. In the management research literature in the United States of America, scholars are more concerned about the functions and roles played by HRM. The function of HRM has experienced an evolutionary process in business organisations. It used to be reactive, operational, and domestic. It was 'personnel management'. After 1990s, human capital has become more and more important due to the emergence of the new economy. Both researchers and practitioners have realized the strategic role played by HRM. The resource-based theory (Barney, 2001) looks within the firm itself. This suggests human assets are one of the major sources bringing about core competence for the business organisations; HRM thus becomes an important issue. Huselid (1995; 1998) propose High Performance Work Practices (HPWP), Pfeiffer (1994) propose the best practice models. From American literature on HRM, one can see the strong inclination of universalism, the optimism on human potential development. The European scholars, however, are more concerned about the contextual factors shaping the HRM practices of companies. According to Brewster (1996), the societal culture, ownership structures, government attitude to foreign investment, the roles of union are major factors determining HRM policies and practices in context-specific situations. Such perspective helps to understand the unique situations and differences between nations in their HRM practices as well as how MNCs try to adapt to local practices. In international business literature, Evans, Tayeb (2001) argue that human resource management makes contribution to organisational performance by playing three roles. The basic role is building the foundations of attracting, motivating and retaining people in place. The second role is realigning it to the environmental change and reconfiguring the different elements as time evolves. As the competition becomes fierce and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kudler’s Strategic Plan Essay Example for Free

Kudler’s Strategic Plan Essay The mission statement should be a clear and succinct representation of the enterprises purpose for existence (BRS Center for Business Planning, 2010). Kudler Fine Foods mission statement is to supply the finest assortment of their wines and foods with a knowledgeable support staff. Vision Kudler Fine Foods vision highlights their image for the future and their motivation. The gourmet grocery store’s vision is to sustain superior and quality foods, at competitive prices, with friendly service. Values Statements The values statement provides boundaries on how such success will be achieved and establishes a covenant you ask all stakeholders to accept by answering the question: â€Å"How will we behave as we pursue success?† (Magus Consulting, 2010). The value statement of Kudler Fine Foods focuses on employee’s dedication, high standards, and cleanliness. Their employees and customers are priority and Kudler provides the means to inspire employees, which in maintain long-term relationships with customers. Environmental scan Kudler Fine Foods performed an SWOT analysis scan to determine the company’s new strategies. To conduct the analysis, the company conducts SWOT analysis to establish its current conditions. Strengths Kudler Fine Foods is small, customer-oriented organization in which the owner, Kathy Kudler, interacts with staff members weekly. The company offerings include a wide variety of quality fruits, vegetables, wines, and cheeses. In addition, the stores are in excellent economic regions where customers can afford the prices. Furthermore, the firm has repeat customers, which demonstrates that the company has an impeccable reputation and high customer satisfaction (Apollo Group, Inc., 2007). Weaknesses Kudler Fine Foods sells mostly perishable foods, and about 12% of the stock is removed from the shelves to ensure freshness, which also results in waste and lost profits. In addition, the stores have high payrolls associated with specialty positions and small management that makes managing, ordering, and maintaining inventory difficult for the owner. Kathy is managing all the stores, ordering supplies, and maintaining inventory. A management model in which Kathy performs all major activities limits growth and represents a risk because if she became ill, she would not have a replacement, which would have a negative impact on store operations (Apollo Group, Inc., 2007). Kudler’s Fine Foods External Analysis Opportunities Kudler Fine Foods has the opportunity to fulfill other market needs by including additional gourmet products to their offer such as coffee and tea, a fish counter, a deli counter, among others. This horizontal expansion of the business will attract new customers and increase the share of wallet from current customers. Other expansion opportunities for Kudler Fine Foods include the consolidation and growth of the catering business and the entrance to the e-market by offering delivery of gourmet products and ordering of catering services. The Internet is usually a lower cost channel given that fewer employees are needed to maintain it and to drive an increase of the customer base. Finally, the most obvious growth opportunity for the company relies in geographic expansion. Opening more stores in the California area and in other states is a possibility for Kudler Fine Foods if they can increase their management capabilities. (Apollo Group, Inc., 2007). Threats Kudler Fine Foods, like other businesses, faces threats relative to the economic conditions of the region in which it operates. The market for gourmet products is very sensitive to economic downturn because consumption of such items usually responds to desire rather than necessity. Current unstable weather conditions and natural disasters (like earthquakes) due to global warming also pose a threat of increased costs of produce if it affects local producers that supply Kudler Fine Foods. Other threats come from direct and indirect competition. If competitors choose to expand geographically or to extend their product lines to include the products Kudler Fine Foods today provides, this expansion could have a negative impact on the company’s bottom line. Another threat could be that traditional supermarkets are expanding their offers to include organic products and some gourmet items. Traditional supermarkets usually have higher bargaining power, which allows them to offer lower prices, and they have the advantage of covering a wide rage of needs in a same location. (Apollo Group, Inc., 2007). Review of the individual strategies from Week Four and a recommendation for the best strategy for Kudler see strategies below (in pink) and choose best strategy Strategic Plan Kudler’s strategic plan involves increasing efficiency of their management and employees. Firms that implement the strategy of operational excellence typically restructure their delivery processes to focus on efficiency and reliability, and use state-of-the art information systems that emphasize integration and low-cost transactions (Pearce Robinson, 2009). Kudler Fine Foods requires exceptional customer service because the store is a customer-oriented. Companies excelling in customer intimacy combine detailed customer knowledge with operational flexibility. They respond quickly to almost any need, from customizing a product to fulfilling special requests to create customer loyalty (Pearce Robinson, 2009). Therefore, their strategic plan will include ways to retain their customers, as customers are the most important to their bottom-line. Concentrated Growth Strategy Kudler Fine Foods should consider the concentrated growth strategy. According to Pearce and Robinson (2009), the concentrated growth strategy is the least risky grand strategy. Successful implementation of a concentrated growth strategy would increase KFF’s market penetration. Smaller companies such as Kudler Fine Foods with limited resources can increase market position with a concentrated growth strategy. In addition, this strategy can help KFF to increase the number of repeat customers and their usage rates (Pearce Robinson, 2009). However, this strategy does entail some risks. These risks include changes in the economy, possible slow market growth, vulnerability to high opportunity cost related to alternative strategic approaches, and the probability of financial losses by KFF related to poor forecasts (Pearce Robinson, 2009). Product development focused on new products Kudler could develop Product development is the process of creating a new product to be sold by a business or enterprise to its customers. A product can be any item from a book, musical composition, or information service. The task of developing outstanding new products is difficult, time-consuming, and costly. However, quality products are not simply designed, but instead they evolve over time through hours of research, analysis, design studies, engineering and prototyping efforts, and finally, testing, modifying, and re-testing until the design has been perfected (Riley, 2009). Kudler Fine Foods is already a supplier of gourmet food and adding coffee products to the company’s selection would put them another step ahead of the competition. â€Å"Demand for both coffee and coffee â€Å"drinks† is so high that recent surveys estimate that coffeehouses alone sold $8.3 billion in coffees and coffee drinks and that amount is expected to reach almost $19 billion by 2011, according the Specialty Coffee Association of America. It reports that the United States coffee industry has grown almost 50% from $7.76 billion in 2000 to more than $11 billion in 2005 and the figures keep climbing† (Rosen, n.d., p.1). The type of coffee products that Kudler Fine Foods could market is gourmet coffee, flavored coffee, and decaf coffee. Differentiation and customer responsiveness Another alternative strategy that Kudler Fine Foods may consider to realize growth would be â€Å"differentiation.† Differentiation is â€Å"designed to appeal to customers with a special sensitivity for a particular product attribute† (Pearce Robinson, 2009, p. 204). † Differentiation assists in building loyalty with customers as well as it enables an organization to charge a â€Å"premium† for its products and services (Pearce Robinson, 2009). Differentiation helps separate a brand from others and build a reputation for â€Å"excellence† (Pearce Robinson, 2009). Kudler may use differentiation to separate itself from competitors and help build its reputation, which would result in increased customer loyalty and would appeal to those customers seeking for specific attributes. Kudler may couple this strategy with â€Å"customer intimacy,† which tailoring products and services that fit customers (Pearce Robinson, 2009). â€Å"Customer intimacy† assumes certain degree of knowledge about customers and the flexibility to make necessary adjustments. This long-term approach is designed to satisfy customers. Because Kudler is a relatively small operation with centralized management, it has the flexibility and the resources to grow to know its customers and build the kind of relationships that will result in lifetime customers. Market development by adding a sales channel Kudler Fine Foods has been successful in marketing its products through several stores where customers can choose and buy gourmet products. As revealed in the company’s SWOT analysis, the superior selection of a variety of products has been a critical strength to support such growth. According to Pearce and Robinson (2009), â€Å"market development allows firms to leverage some of their traditional strengths.† In this proposed strategic alternative Kudler Fine Foods can use its excellent selection of products to appeal to an even larger base of customers by selling its products through the Internet. Online sales have presented two digit growth rates in the past four years (Greene, 2009). Internet can be considered a cheaper channel to drive growth given that it requires less capital investment than opening a new location and it reaches a larger base of customers. Advertising in other media Other strategic option includes advertising with newspapers, a local radio station or television advertisement. Placing a weekly ad in a local newspaper, KFF will become a known brand for fine gourmet in the Del Mar area. Because the advertisement will be in a local paper, it pinpoints the target market and reduces costs. Kathy should advertise on the radio during peak hours her free cheese samples and wine meetings. If the cheese, dairy, and wine areas are in the front of the store, Kathy should consider placing it near the back. The goal is to compel consumers to walk around the KFF store to see their products before arriving at the cheese and wine area. Another way to market Kudler is through television. Because Kudler is selling locally, expensive commercials will work against them. By using a local advertiser, the intended message will be seen by consumers in that particular demographic area. Costs will be minimal because advertising in local newspapers, radio, and television will be done locally. Implementation Plan: Create a WBS and Gantt chart for the new strategy. Include objectives, functional tactics, action items, milestones, tasks, resource allocation, and a deadline. In addition, analyze the key success factors for plan implementation. Include cash budget for the implementation plan and forecasted financials for Kudler. I did this last week, but I was not sure if I did this correctly. See excel spreadsheet Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Incorporating a work breakdown structure will assist KFF in their efforts to assign responsibilities and manage time. Currently Kathy is responsible for each department and which takes away her time from other managerial duties. The WBS has four sections, planning and supervision, inventory management, staff management, and marketing. Planning and supervision refers to how Kathy will operate Kudler Fine Foods. Kathy will make plans, verify the budgets, and meet with shift-supervisors for each department. Inventory management is crucial for a gourmet grocery store. Forecasting sales will help reduce chances of ordering too much food. A customer count can be incorporated by issuing savings cards so customers can attach to his or her key ring. This device not only tracks what customers are purchasing but also their geographic location. Food count will let shift-supervisors know how much food should be ordered every two days. Food management must be accurate because KFF offers the freshest foods and ordering too much food will cost the company. Kathy has to manage her staff so that she is not over or understaffed. Because there are six sections to KFF, there should be at least three employees in each department. Employees should strategically be placed in their area of strength. For example, an employee with excellent math skills, they should be placed on the register. In addition, the employees should be cross-trained in the event of someone taking leave. Shift-supervisors are also responsible for coordinating employee’s schedules. Marketing for a gourmet store is chief to earning sales. Kathy has to study the local businesses, schools, stores, and understand who the competitors are. This understanding will assist in becoming more profitable and peaking customer’s interests. Once Kathy is aware of the other factors, it is easier to strategize. In addition, considering holidays and vacations will alert Kathy of when to expect crowds and order more inventory. To continue to attract customers, Kathy should continue to offer free samples on Saturdays. Once a potential customer is interested, he or she has a higher chance of coming into the store and spending. A guest check average will assist with ordering inventory because the average calculates the number of customers divided by the money spent in the store.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bureaucracy in Pakistan by Charles H. Kennedy | Review

Bureaucracy in Pakistan by Charles H. Kennedy | Review BOOK REVIEW Suhai Aziz Book: Bureaucracy in Pakistan Writer: Charles H. Kennedy Published by: Oxford University Press Published in year: 1987 INTRODUCTION OF AUTHOR Charles H. Kennedy has served as director of American institute for Pakistan studies for 13 years. Book Bureaucracy in Pakistan is product of writer’s seven visits spread over a period of 39 months in Pakistan. Mr. Kennedy has written and co-authored more than 18 books on political set up of south asia. He is also credited with writing several papers both published and unpublished on same subject. His other academic interests include the issues of political Islam, and in US foreign policy with respect to the Middle East and South Asia especially pertaining to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and Iraq.[i] Writer’s enormous experience guarantees credibility of his work Bureaucracy in Pakistan. Intended Audience: Government machinery International audience (personnel of foreign office) Students of political science Bureaucrats SUMMARY OF BOOK This book is about the dominance of bureaucratic institutions and polity over other institutions and political cultures in the country. Author has described the evolution of bureaucracy in the country keeping in the context of political changes and their aftermath. Impact of Bhutto’s reforms on civilian bureaucracy and political environment behind that are discussed in detail. Writer has substantiated his opinion stating the fact that it is the elite class that has ruled Pakistan from its very beginning. AUTHOR’S CONCLUSION The author in this book has attempted to explain the prime structure, evolution, reforms, and consequences of political interventions and impact of these factors on the state of Bureaucracy. Author has maintained a very pragmatic and realistic approach in description and analysis of early bureaucratic state and structure along with functioning of the government. Various cadres, posts and groups of service have been discussed in detail. Kennedy has tried to explain preferences that have always remained in the Civil Service leading to inter-group interaction-whether positive or negative. The contents of the book are spread over a period beginning from pre independence era up till Bhutto’s reforms where in the quota system and cadre abolition has been discussed that was introduced during the tenure of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. However, Post Bhutto reforms have been discussed in more detail and have been accorded most of the space in the book. Author has stated reasons f or strength of bureaucracy in the country. According to him, one of the many reasons for strengthening of bureaucracy during the initial phases of this country after the independence was that the reins of power were in hands of a Governor General and a Prime Minister who were themselves former bureaucrats. In addition to that Pakistan had inherited a powerful colonial tradition that could not be effaces or blurred and was adopted keenly. Symbiotic relationship in the interest of the nation between politicians and bureaucrats could not materialize as a result of disparity and disproportion of power among them. The issues related to bureaucracy which have ardently been questioned by the Author are given below: Nature and extent of authority of a Minister compared to that of a Secretary to the Government is apparently lesser. This is a result of appointment of Ministers who are politically strong but administratively weak and that the tenure assigned to them is relatively short and uncertain when compared to that of a 21 Grade officer. Preference for generalists. The author argues that general recruitment without requirement of specialization in the administrative domain leads to recruitment of generalists who may have performed well in academics but later fail to deliver when put in a position of administration. Similarly, the author has questioned the fact that DMG despite being a group with no specialization in any field enjoys privilege, commands respect and is accorded high posts in echelons of power. Apart from that Professor Kennedy has also discussed hurdles in the way of technocrats such as preference for generalist groups, norms and practices of bureaucracy and mind set which considers technocrats to be naà ¯ve administrators. Cadre system that was introduced some 200 years ago was adopted by Pakistan with some minor modifications. This system compels officer of any group to remain within the ambit of that particular group for rest of his life. In his opinion, aforementioned points have retarded the process of Administrative reform, have contributed to administrative efficiency and have encouraged political intervention. Professor Kennedy has discussed rationale behind Quota system in detail. When Pakistan came into being, the higher percentage of Civil Servants comprised of immigrants from Indian state of U.P and Pakistan’s province of Punjab. Where as majority of Pakistan’s population lived in its eastern wing. Representation of Sindh, then N.W.F.P, Baluchistan and former Eastern Pakistan was fairly low. It was the success of Quota system that representation of provinces became proportionate to their populations. The author has rephrased the Administrative Reforms of 1973 as â€Å"Personnel Reorganization† aimed at weakening the position and power of CSPs. He explains that these reforms were a result of negative public opinion formed over a period of time due to inefficient performance and the belief that as CSPs acquired high posts in the Government machinery thus they were to be held responsible , envy and hatred that had developed over time in the heart of other non CSP bureaucrats and political ambition to abolish the authority of CSPs. He explains that as Cadre system was transformed into Occupational Groups it did not affect much other than change in nomenclature. CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Although it is a fact that bureaucracy is quite strong in the country but it does not have enough power to derail democracy on its own. Whenever democracy is threatened, bureaucracy has played the role of ancillary partner and not the main culprit. There are other institutions which can be fittingly blamed for subversion of democracy. Thus the writer’s claim that bureaucracy is stronger than democracy in Pakistan seems to be an exaggerated notion. Apart from that research conducted by author is rigorous and contains analysis of around 50 tables and of several research papers. Pre-reform environment stated by author is also well articulated. Issues are discussed in context prevalent at that time e.g. the quota system is discussed in terms that were important back then. In present day scenario quota system is not regarded in the same spirit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Sequel of book should be published to address the impacts caused by devolution plan. A glossary of bureaucratic terms should have been added to help readers understand better. This book can be recommended to general public and CSS exam aspirants for better understanding of country’s bureaucratic set up. SYNTAX OF CONTENTS: Author has well followed time scale in describing all the events that have shaped the norms of bureaucracy. References are given properly in endnotes. Arguments are substantiated with the help of tables, charts and illustrations. [i] Music: the International Language Music: the International Language Music: the International Language Music is a part of people’s lives from all around the world. It has been around for at least 50,000 years and most likely originated in Africa (Wallin, et al. 1). There are several distinct genres of music. The most recognized forms in the western hemisphere are: classical, jazz, rock and folk, as well as others which are essentially branches from the four previously mentioned. Many career options exist for those wishing to pursue music, many of which require one or more scholastic degrees. In music, there are a plethora of diverse structural forms in which music is composed. A structural form usually describes the order the â€Å"sections† in a piece of music are written. Without composers, there would be little music today. Most composers have a unique style that they write in that can be identified by anyone with a trained ear. Music is constantly in an evolutionary state, and the music industry changes to reflect that. The future holds endless possibilities for the social and economical effects of new music. Musical notation was not always nice printed symbols arranged in an easy to read format. The Greeks were the first to implement a system for translating written work into sound. However this system made it difficult for someone to imagine the melody, and was extremely difficult to reproduce, and there were usually many errors on copies. The Romans used the first 15 letters of the Roman alphabet above the applicable words to determine pitch with the first letter as the low pitch and the 15th letter as the high pitch. Neuma, or Neumes, is a very peculiar notation used mostly by 6th to 12th century ecclesiastical writers. Deciphering this notation is essentially guesswork due to the number of variables affecting the sounds. (â€Å"Changes in Musical Notation†). Of all the genres of music, classical is the most distinct. It usually includes string instruments, French horns, and trumpets, as well as others. Rock music or â€Å"devil music† as some people refer to it, has bec ome increasingly popular around the world since its inception in the mid 1900’s. This type of music is known to use electric guitars, drum kit, and vocals. Jazz also uses those instruments, but in a different way. In a typical â€Å"big band† jazz orchestra, there will be five saxophones, four trombones, four trumpets, a pianist, a drummer and a guitarist. The jazz style is quite different from that of other types of music. Normally, the first and third beat of a four beat measure are emphasized, in jazz the second and fourth beats are emphasized. In music, there are many formal structures (the way sections of a piece repeat) in which songs are written. Sectional form is a mixture of short chunks of a piece (DeLone. et al. 87). Vocal music often employs the use of the strophic form, which repeats the same section over again (AA†¦). Binary form, as the name might suggest, has two different sections played in succession (AB) or one repeated and then the other repeated (AABB). Similarly to binary form, chain form has three or more sections played in succession (ABC) or (AABBCC). Ternary, or tertiary form, similarly to binary form has two different sections, the difference being there is a â€Å"B† section sandwiched in between two â€Å"A† sections (ABA). Arch form has three different sections, one â€Å"C† section in between two â€Å"B† sections, which is then in between two â€Å"A† sections (ABCBA). Finally, rondo form, which comes in two varieties: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetr ical form is (ABACABA) as asymmetrical form is (ABACADAEA) (â€Å"Musical Form†). There are many fun and rewarding careers in music many of which involve working with an assortment of creative individuals. Composition, the art of writing music, is one of the more difficult, yet also more rewarding choices, although it is hard to make a living as a composer unless the utmost dedication is displayed. Teaching others music, either by instruments, theory, or otherwise, is an occupation in high demand around the United States (â€Å"Bachelor of Music†). Musicians are the key element of music, without them there would be no live music. Music therapy is one of the less known musical vocations. Music therapists help people with mental illness or disability by using music (â€Å"Careers in Music Therapy†). There have been many great classical composers, each with his or her own identifying characteristics in their writing. Johann Sebastian Bach is known for never leaving pauses in his music. However, George Frideric Handel writes so that there are moments where no notes are played (grand pause.) Mozart has written over 600 pieces of music, all of which were written in one draft. Music is all about sound, and for a mostly deaf man, Ludwig Van Beethoven is quite an accomplished composer. The music industry is generally defined as â€Å"the businesses and organizations that record, produce, publish, distribute, and market recorded music† (â€Å"Music Industry†). There are four major record companies or â€Å"labels,† Sony BMG, EMI, Universal and Warner. In 2005, Universal dominated the United States market with a 31.71% market share. In a close second came Sony BMG with 31.71%. Warner firmly holds third with a solid 15% market share, leaving EMI to clean up with the remaining 9.55%. Independent labels cover18.13% of the US market, but there are many independent companies and none of which hold a candle to he â€Å"big four† (Cashmere). Music artists and record companies alike make most of their money from music sales, but with the rise of peer-to-peer file sharing networks, it has been increasingly popular to illegally download or, pirate, stolen music. According to the American Federation of Musicians, gross revenue for music drops about 20% annually due to piracy. In reaction to the horrifying statistics the Recording Industry Association of America or, RIAA, has taken a number of steps to fight internet piracy. One of their goals is to inform the public of the repercussions music piracy has on the individuals who earn a living from legitimate music exchange (â€Å"Online Music Piracy†). Jazz is the only style of music native to the United States of America. It is clear that many other genres thought to be â€Å"truly American† are actually just bits and pieces from the musical traits of other cultures. Jazz music is brimming with improvisation solos, where a musician is usually given a chord progression also known as â€Å"changes,† and the musician plays notes in the scale of the key given at the specified time. Although the ink on the page may say to play in C7 one could just as well play in Cm in stead. Jazz is also not bound to the â€Å"limitations† of other forms of music and will not always be cut up into easy-to-identify sections. One thing almost all types of music have in common is scalability, for example, there could be a single saxophonist playing â€Å"Harlem Nocturne† on a street corner, or there could be an 18 piece big band orchestra playing the same song in a concert hall. The same applies to classical music, but it is m ore common to see a street musician playing jazz than classical music. The invention of solid-state electronics brought on many changes. The music world was affected when someone figured that if you make a keyboard and set it so each key you press produces a different frequency at a line level current and run it through an amplifier, there will be an electronic piano-style keyboard! This device later became known as the analog synthesizer and was used in many performing bands. Several years later, digital sound synthesis technology made it possible to have hundreds of different â€Å"patches† on a keyboard, eliminating the need for expensive sound modules for analog synthesizers. Today, both technologies are used, but analog is mostly just used and built for historical and experimental purposes. Every kind of music requires an instrument, be it human vocal cords, a bassoon, or a microchip, at least one instrument is required. There are three types of â€Å"traditional† instruments. Brass instruments are devices in which sound is made by pressing the lips to the large end of an almost conical mouthpiece and buzzing the lips whilst blowing. Instruments requiring no buzzing are referred to as woodwinds. The sound can be made either by a single reed, where the player places the top front two teeth on top of a tapered mouthpiece and presses the bottom lip over the bottom teeth contacting the reed and blowing so the reed vibrates in between the mouthpiece and the bottom lip. A double reed instrument has no mouthpiece, only two reeds that are pointed together at the end. The third form of woodwind sound production entails placing the lips one the near side of a hole in the mouthpiece and blowing air over the gap, just like making a glass bottle whistle. In music, there are two categories, one for the high society, and one for the low society. The high society music is that of the classical, baroque romantic and other such eras, are usually preformed in formal venues. In contrast, the low society music such as jazz, rap and hip hop could be preformed in places where formal etiquette is not present such as a casino, night club or parking lot. It is apparent that the average audience member of a classical performance will have an income higher than that of an audience member from a hip hop concert. By analyzing this data, musicologists have concluded that the class distinction is not related to the music itself, rather, the crowd associated with that type of music. Works Cited â€Å"Bachelor of Music.† â€Å"Careers in Music Therapy.† Cashmere, Paul. â€Å"Universal Is The Biggest Music Company of 2005†. â€Å"Changes in Musical Notation.† DeLone et al. Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. â€Å"Music Industry.† â€Å"Musical Form† â€Å"Online Music Piracy.† Wallin, Nills L., et al. The Origins of Music. MIT press, 2001. The impact of sexual assault: Issues in social work The impact of sexual assault: Issues in social work Sexual Assault Abstract Sexual assault is any sexual activity to which you havent freely given your consent. This includes completed or attempted sex acts that are against your will. Sometimes it can involve a victim who is unable to consent. It also includes abusive sexual contact. It can happen to men, women or children. Most people feel that sexual assault occurs when you don’t know the person but that not so, it can be a friend, family member, or a co-worker. â€Å"According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Nearly 1 in 5 (18.3%) women and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives.† â€Å"Approximately 1 in 20 women and men (5.6% and 5.3%, respectively) experienced sexual violence other than rape, such as being made to penetrate someone else, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, or non-contact unwanted sexual experiences.† When it comes to sexual assault, most people don’t want to talk about this because they don’t want to re-live that time in their lives. Most people want to push it in the back of their minds as if it didn’t really happen. Being sexual assault can lead to many different feeling causing a person to become physically, emotionally, and mentally disturbed. Women are more likely to be assault than men because most women don’t want to talk about what happen because they are afraid no-one will believe them. Most women don’t report what has happen to the police because they are afraid nothing will happen so they just keep quiet and keep it bottled up inside. Each year in the United States, between 300,000 and 700,000 adult women are estimated to experience sexual assault, with 40,000 of such victims typically seeking treatment in an emergency department (Kwence, Sherri). When a women is sexual assault an start seeking professional help for what she has went through can be hard just trying to move forward from such pain that she has endure. It is said that sexual abuse is the most common and threatening behavior calculated to induce fear in all women, it means men have chosen to maintain control over women. Rape is the fastest growing crime in the country. Rape occurs in India every twenty minutes (Behere, P.B). In 2011, more than 24 thousand cases were reported-about 70 a day. New figures released by the Delhi Police reveals that a women is raped every 18 minutes or molested every 14 minutes. There are 80, 000 pending rape cases in India and nearly 1,000 rape cases are pending in Delhi courts (Behere, P. B.). In the United States, 1 in 6 women reported experiencing rape or attempted rape at some time in their lives. Being sexual assault can make a women start feeling anger toward men. When someone you know has been sexual assault they must seek professional help so, they can live a healthy life. As a social worker we must help victims who has been harm in any way possible. The conflicts in which a social worker may face when working with women or men who has been sexual assault. The value of the social worker is to promote resources to help victim who has been mistreated. When a women has been assault it take a lot from her. Once someone take something as precious as sex from you, can make you feel bad about yourself. When you think about sex, it something that should be shared between two people who care about each other. For someone to come and take that away from you can make a person become very bitter at the world? As a social worker we must promote social justice to make sure our client get the best help possible by setting up counseling. We first has to assess the problem at hand and see what really happen and then we can move forward with the problem. As a social we must not impose on the client right to do what she feel is right for her, we can only try and led them down the right path. Social worker values can’t get in the way when it comes to helping a client get the best help needed. The client have every right to refuse any help at any time. Social worker have to be the voice for those who are not willing to speak and the ear for those who can’t hear what is been said, and the legs to help the client walk that extra mile needed. Not only do sexual assault happen to women but it also happen to men and children. Most people don’t think that men are sexually assault but it happen, but more common in small children because it’s hard for them to fight back. Most men are victim because they choose to be gay or because they are locked up in jail. As a social worker no, matter who is seeking help it is our job to provide the best care needed. When someone has been assaulted by a family member it hard to te ll someone especially when you are a small child because they are scared and don’t want to get anyone is trouble so children suffer for a long time from assault because they are afraid to tell because no one will believe them. Children will grow-up feeling ashamed of what happen to them so it will cause them to sexual assault someone. They why it’s important to get the proper help needed when you have been assault. Everyone deserve to live a happy and success life. Results of this study showed that 66% of the women were aged 15-24 years old and 75% had met the perpetrator before the sexual assault with nearly 50% reporting that the perpetrator was a current or former boyfriend, family member or someone they considered a friend. Women with no previous contact or knowledge of their perpetrator were more likely to report to the police and were at a higher risk of sustaining an injury, the research showed. Looking specifically at alcohol, the study found that over 40% of women had consumed more than 5 units of alcohol. These women were more often sexually assaulted by a stranger or someone they met within 24 hours prior to the assault. Furthermore, a physical injury was found in 53% of cases and 33% of the victims had suffered a previous sexual assault (Wiley). In fact, researchers found that college women who experienced severe sexual victimization were three times more likely than their peers to experience severe sexual victimization the following year. RIA researchers followed nearly 1,000 college women, most age 18 to 21, over a five-year period, studying their drinking habits and experiences of severe physical and sexual assault. Severe physical victimization includes assaults with or without a weapon. Severe sexual victimization includes rape and attempted rape, including incapacitated rape, where a victim is too intoxicated from drugs or alcohol to provide consent (University at Buffalo). We don’t realize just how much sexual assault go unreported while in college. No-one should have to experience this kind of abuse while they are trying to learn. It hard trying to learn when sexual assault is going on at a campus sight because you are afraid to walk around at anytime day or night because you don’t know who to trust or who is watching your every move. You have to be aware of your surrounding at all times. A student, age 24 came into my office just like any other day set down and she had a strange look upon her face. I spoke and said what, I can help you with today. She replied, I was sexual assault at a party which I had attended on Friday with a couple of my friends. My response to her was are you alright and she replied no. She started telling me in details what had happen so I just sat and listen to what she had to say. It was a surprise party for her best friend so it was a lot of people there as you know the usual crowd family, friend, and co-worker. At this part there were loud music, drugs, and lots of alcohol, so we all were having a good time so it was this guy who I’ve known for a long time was there and we started talking, laughing, and dancing. As the night grew old we went back to his place of course I had been drinking and so had he. While we were alone in his place he started hugging, kissing, and touch me and it was making me feel uncomfortable so I asked him to stop and he said you know you want it and I said no but he didn’t pay me no attention and processed to throw me down and force himself upon me. I started screaming saying stop but he didn’t you continue on until he was finish. After he finished he took me home like nothing never happen I was so scared. When I made it to my house I ran upstairs and started to shower because I was feeling so dirty. So could you please help me I am afraid to tell someone what happen because I shouldn’t went there? She replied, I just feel so helpless all I do is just sit in my room and cry it’s driving me crazy. The scene just keep playing over and over in my head. So, I felt that I needed to talk to someone before I go crazy. I don’t want my friends to know what happen to me Friday night. I don’t need no-one judging me because I had too much to drink. I thought I knew this guy that’s why I agreed to go to his place not knowing he had other things own h is mind. It goes to show you, can’t trust anyone these days not even a good friend. So, I found myself walking around in a daze and it led me to your office on Monday. Please help me figure out what to do before I beat myself up about what happen. As a social worker I assure her it wasn’t her fault and I will do everything to help her gain her self-respect back. She didn’t want to go to the police and tell them what had happen because she felt the police wouldn’t believe her because she went to his house on her own and plus she had been drinking. As we were talking, we talked about the negative and positive things that was going on with her. I had to ask some personal question such as did he use protection, do you know if he had any sexually transmitted diseases, or do you think you might be pregnant. She replied, I don’t know. So I advise her to go and get herself checked out and so she did and everything was just fine. Now that’s something you want have to worry about. After the assessment I set her up with a counselor to help her understand that she wasn’t at fault. While in session with the counselor we talk about how she can regain her self-respect back and not let this get the be st of her. First just accept what had happen and talk to your family and friends so you don’t have to go through this alone. No-one will judge you because of what happen, right now you need all the support you can get. The more you talk about what happen to you that night is the only way the healing can begin. Later when you regain your strength you can go to the local authority and report him so it want happen to someone else. Always stay involved with people in the community because your story can help safe someone else someday. Remember to always hold your head up high and don’t let negative talk get you down because you survive. You have to start setting goal in your life to help you get back on the right track. We can’t change the facts about what happen or the feeling you have. The only thing we can do is just help you begin to heal. At the end of the long session she was able to deal with her feeling and regain her self-respect. As a social worker we have to get involved with families, groups and organization or communities to help promote social justice when dealing with people. As a social worker we must be equipped with the skills and knowledge to be able to better serve clients. As a social worker we play many roles in people lives for example: negotiate, mediate, advocate, broker, and educator. As a social worker, in the work, that we do go a long way in helping client achieve their goal weather they are short term or long term we have to do whatever it take to make sure our clients are treated with the up-most respect. When a social worker deal with someone who has been assault they have to deal with outsider also and it can make it hard on the victim. Because the victim have to re-live the whole thing all over again so many time they just sit back and deal with the problem the best way they know how by just leashing out at the world for no reason. Being the victim trying to pick up the piece and move forward can be one of the hardest things to do because they feel as if they have the weight of the world on their shoulder. They just have to be strong and not show anyone what’s really going on inside. According to The Canadian Press (2014), the most common reasons for not reporting were shame and embarrassment, fear of the offender and lack of confidence in the justice system. While 53 per cent of participants stated that they were not confident in the police, two-thirds stated that they were not confident in the court process and in the criminal justice system in general, the study says. Par ticipants cited ongoing, long-term effects of being attacked, including depression, difficulties with trust and forming relationships, and anxiety, fear and stress. The women described a number of means of coping with effects of the trauma, both positive (such as reading, exercising, and writing in a journal) and negative (drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, suicide attempts).The women suggested that survivors of sexual violence become informed about the criminal justice system, and know that help is available for victims and that legal proceedings can take a long time. The best way of sharing this information is through school programs and counsellors, they said (Canadian Press). There are many form of sexual assault it’s all around you just have to sit back and watch and see what is going on in people lives. Looking at the women and men in the military we don’t look at them as being victim but in reality they are victim. They are putting their lives on the line every day for us and look at what is happening to them. In the serves its their policy to not tell what happens in the field but look at how many lives are been ruin because of the way men are treating women or because of the way men or treating men. No-one deserve to be treated that way. The sergeant are up holding the men in their wrong doing telling them it ok what they are doing because no-one will never find out. No-one want to be label as a snitch because they will lose all their right and benefit and no-one will be able to provide care for their families. The men and women just have to live with this until they have a break-down in their lives and break the bond and tell what has happen to them while they were out fighting for their country. No man or women should have to feel in shame for what happen while they were serving their country. Yes there need to be stronger sentence for people who commit these type of crimes. In the U.S. Military academies, 5% of women report surviving rape every year, as do 2.4% of the men,for women abused as children, 92% of perpetrators were men, of those men who enter the Navy, 15% are perpetrators prior to their service, 28% of women in the military experienced rape during their military service. Of those women who men rape in the military, 96% of the perpetrators are U.S. military men (Sadler, Booth, Doebbeling, 2005). No one should have to lose their right because they chose to speak about the truth. Although the truth may hurt a lot of people because being assault in the service will follow you for a long time. Making it hard to truth anyone in authority. A young male 22 walk in my office and spoke and said he was gang rape and needed some help. We both sit down and I assess him on the nature of the matter of just what happen. He said, they he was walking home from a party and a group of guys pulled him into the car and drove him down a dark back road and that’s where the assault occurred. It was three guy that he recalled pulled him into the car. He said, he was scared for his life. What made the guys pull you into the car? He replied, I was dress in women clothes and when they got to the place and realize, I wasn’t a women it made them mad. To teach me a lesson the guys place a drink bottle into my rectum and begin to push with all their might. That wasn’t good enough each of the guys took turn and place there penis inside. I never imagine anything like that happening to me. I was afraid for my life they left me there to die. I was screaming but no one could hear me because we were on a dark lonely road. The cou nselor assured me that it wasn’t my fault and that I had nothing to be ashamed of. The counselor advice the young man to go to the doctor so he can get himself checked out. While at the hospital the police officer pulled up on the scene and gather some background information on what had happen. The guy went into detail and told the officer what happen. The counselor ask the young man would he be interested in seeking professional help and he replied yes. The counselor made come called and got him place in outpatient care. The counselor ask him some personal question. He said, as you know I am a man trapped into a woman body. The counselor asked are you sexually active and he replied no I am not. Did they use any type of protection you use protection he replied, I don’t know. The counselor said make sure you get yourself checked for sexually transmitted disease. The counselor reassured him that it was not his fault that he didn’t do anything wrong. In order for y ou to heal you will need to get set up in individual counselling and group therapy. You must be willing to talk with family and friends and let them know what you are going through. You must learn to let your feeling out and get involved in positive things and start setting goal in your live to help you get back on the right track. Talk to family and friend because they want judge you because at this point in your life you need all the support you can get. The counselor let him know that this wouldn’t be an easy journey. After all he went through time will heal all wounds. No-one can take the pain away after all the therapy, he did gain his self-respect. In conclusion I provide insight on sexual assault and how it effect people in many ways. Most people don’t like talking about sexual assault because it makes them feel dirty and ashamed, but they must realize it wasn’t their fault. As a social worker it is our job to help reassure the victims that everything will be alright. If you know of anyone that has been sexual assault my advice is to please get the proper help so you don’t have to live in fear. The healing only start when you are ready to tell your story. Reference Behere PB, Sathyanarayana Rao TS, Mulmule AN. (2013). â€Å"Sexual abuse in women with special reference to children: Barriers, boundaries and beyond. Indian J Psychiatry 2013;55316. www.candianapress. Denmark, F., Paludi, M.A. (2010).Victims of Sexual and Abuse: Resources for Individuals and Families. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger. Kirst-Ashman, K.K., Hull, G.H., jr. (2012). Understanding Generalist Practice (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Sanderson, C. (2004). The Seduction of Children: Empowering Parents and Teachers to Protect Children from Child Sexual Abuse. London: Sherri, K. (2012). Encountering the Victim of Sexual Assault. Clinician Reviews. University of Buffalo. (2014, September 5). Past sexual assault triples risk of future assault for college women. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 17, 2014 from Wiley. (2014, October15). Risk factors for sexual assault identified, including age, alcohol ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 17, 2014 from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Physics of a Quality Espresso Essay -- Process Physics Essays

The Physics of a Quality Espresso There are many ways to get a good cup of coffee—through perculators, gravity systems, and steeping fresh gounds. However, espresso, which is usually considered a finer beverage, is made by taking about two ounces of espresso grind (ground arabica beans) packed tightly into the head of an espresso machine, and submitting it to high pressured hot water. An espresso machine is designed to force a small amout of water through tightly packed, finely ground coffee. The idea is to pull the best flavored and most consistent espresso from the espresso blend. In order to achieve quality espresso certain physical processes have to take place—namely the passage of pressurized water through the espresso grind, heat transfer, and correct packing of espresso into the head of an espresso machine. Acording to Gourmet Retailer, a monthly publication devoted to gourmet foods and services, the right amount of pressure is required to make a quality espresso: â€Å"To create the perfect crema [espresso], the actual pressure should be between nine and eleven atm (or bar) when the hot water passes through the coffee† (52). Now, the actual pressure capacity of an espresso machine is usually out of the users control, but an explination of the physical concepts may be the first step in defining a quality espresso. In Physics a World View, Larry D. Kirkpatrick and Gereld F. Wheeler write: â€Å"Pressure is the force exerted on a surface divided by the area of the surface—that is, the force per unit area† (171). P = F / A This defeniton applies to gases, liquids, and solids. In the case of pressurized water in an espresso machine, for instance, if the water had thirty newtons of force and the espresso grind had... ...e and bitterness is pulled from the espresso. As I have shown, there are three major physical concepts surrounding a quality espresso. When the espresso machine has the correct pressure quantity (between nine and eleven bar), and the water is hot enough, you can get a quality espresso. But remember, if the barista running the machine has no concept of this, or really hasn’t had a lot of experience making gourmet coffee, then the espresso may not turn out as you like. A good espresso pack in the head of the machine is required for an excellent espresso. Works Cited â€Å"Coffee Centers & Espresso Machines.† Gourmet Retailer Feb. 2003: 52. Schomer, David C. Espresso Coffee: Professional Techniques. New York: Peanut Butter Publishing, 1996. 37. Kirkpatrick, Larry D. and Gerald F. Wheeler. Physics a World View. Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. 171. The Physics of a Quality Espresso Essay -- Process Physics Essays The Physics of a Quality Espresso There are many ways to get a good cup of coffee—through perculators, gravity systems, and steeping fresh gounds. However, espresso, which is usually considered a finer beverage, is made by taking about two ounces of espresso grind (ground arabica beans) packed tightly into the head of an espresso machine, and submitting it to high pressured hot water. An espresso machine is designed to force a small amout of water through tightly packed, finely ground coffee. The idea is to pull the best flavored and most consistent espresso from the espresso blend. In order to achieve quality espresso certain physical processes have to take place—namely the passage of pressurized water through the espresso grind, heat transfer, and correct packing of espresso into the head of an espresso machine. Acording to Gourmet Retailer, a monthly publication devoted to gourmet foods and services, the right amount of pressure is required to make a quality espresso: â€Å"To create the perfect crema [espresso], the actual pressure should be between nine and eleven atm (or bar) when the hot water passes through the coffee† (52). Now, the actual pressure capacity of an espresso machine is usually out of the users control, but an explination of the physical concepts may be the first step in defining a quality espresso. In Physics a World View, Larry D. Kirkpatrick and Gereld F. Wheeler write: â€Å"Pressure is the force exerted on a surface divided by the area of the surface—that is, the force per unit area† (171). P = F / A This defeniton applies to gases, liquids, and solids. In the case of pressurized water in an espresso machine, for instance, if the water had thirty newtons of force and the espresso grind had... ...e and bitterness is pulled from the espresso. As I have shown, there are three major physical concepts surrounding a quality espresso. When the espresso machine has the correct pressure quantity (between nine and eleven bar), and the water is hot enough, you can get a quality espresso. But remember, if the barista running the machine has no concept of this, or really hasn’t had a lot of experience making gourmet coffee, then the espresso may not turn out as you like. A good espresso pack in the head of the machine is required for an excellent espresso. Works Cited â€Å"Coffee Centers & Espresso Machines.† Gourmet Retailer Feb. 2003: 52. Schomer, David C. Espresso Coffee: Professional Techniques. New York: Peanut Butter Publishing, 1996. 37. Kirkpatrick, Larry D. and Gerald F. Wheeler. Physics a World View. Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. 171.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Symbolism and Allegory in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mockingb

Symbolism and Allegory in To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee uses symbolism extensively throughout To Kill a Mockingbird,, and much of it refers to the problems of racism in the South during the early twentieth century. Harper Lee's effective use of racial symbolism and allegory can be seen by studying various examples from the book, namely the actions of the children, of the racist whites, and of Atticus Finch. One of the more effective allegories in the novel is the building of a snowman by Jem and Scout. There was not enough snow to make a snowman entirely out of snow, so Jem made a foundation out of dirt and then covered it with what snow they had. If the snowman was made completely out of snow, Jem's action would not be so significant. Scout is very surprised when she sees the brown snowman and she exclaims: "Jem, I ain't never heard of a nigger snowman." (72), and to this Jem replies: "He won't be black long." (72). Scout's words indicate the strange nature of the snowman which is half-black, half-white. Jem, however did not find it peculiar and he "scooped up some snow and began plastering it on". Gradually Mr. Avery turned white? (73). The symbol of the snowman, like every other symbol in literature, may have various interpretations depending on the reading of the individual. In the specific case the snowman can be seen in two ways. Firstly, this alteration from black to white can be considered as a merging of the two races into one, without any differences between them to separate them, an equality of black and white people. The change of colour (black to white) suggests the superficiality of the colour of the skin, which should not be a criterion for judging people and dividing them into categories. Atticus's... ...r the two victims of human malice suggests the power Harper Lee sees in symbolism, which carries the message better than words. At this point she seems to agree with J.B.S. Haldane, a British Scientist, who stated: "In fact, words are well adapted for description and the arousing of emotion, but for many kinds of precise thought other symbols are much better" (Tripp). Perhaps this is the reason Harper Lee chooses to declare her rejection of prejudice and racism through the use of symbols; because they are more effective than words. Works Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. 1960. New York: Warner Books, 1982. Tripp, Rhoda Thomas. The International Thesaurus of Quotations. New York: Harper and Row, 1990. "To Kill a Mockingbird." Sparknotes LLC. 2003. Barnes & Noble Learning Network. 2 Nov. 2003 .

Horsmandens Journal of the Proceedings Essays -- Analysis, Daniel Hor

Daniel Horsmanden’s Journal of the Proceedings was written with a specific purpose in mind which he openly acknowledges in his introduction. Horsmanden claims that it was for â€Å"the public benefit† (Zabin, p.46) and inspired by the fact that some individuals believed â€Å"there was no plot at all† (Zabin, p.45). He hoped that by displaying the facts of the case he could prove to the people of New York City that the proceedings were just and that there was a great need to keep close supervision on their African slaves (Zabin, p.45). Having such an obvious bias the Journal is far from a perfect historical record of events, but under close examination Horsmanden’s account gives a vast amount of insight into the sharp divisions that characterized eighteenth century New York and can help explain why the people were so ready to believe in such a grandiose conspiracy. One can even see ways in which the conspiracy brought New Yorkers together and how it drove them apart. An analysis of Horsmanden’s work paints a picture of the social divisions present in the city. Race was a fairly obvious division, exemplified by Horsmanden’s statement that Peggy was the â€Å"worst sort† of prostitute because she was â€Å"a prostitute to negroes† (Zabin, p.49) and that blacks were much more prone to suspicion which can be seen in the fact that roughly 30 blacks were executed compared to four whites (Zabin, p.175). Economic status also shines through as a source of division. This is apparent by the fact that the Hughsons, who owned a disreputable public house (Zabin, p.48), were tried and executed largely on the testimony of Mary Burton. However, when Ms. Burton cast suspicion upon some people â€Å"in ruffles† (those of better means), the court quickly wrapped up the ca... ...stered togetherness among the people. Horsmanden’s journal provides a wealth of information about eighteenth century New York if one is willing to analyze it critically and ignore the bias present in it. If one does this they catch fascinating glimpses of a divided world, one where people are partitioned by race, economic status, homeland and religion. A world filled with fear and suspicion caused by the tension inherent within such societal division. The same tensions that either gave rise to a massive conspiracy to destroy the town of New York or gave credence to a nightmare constructed by the minds of the people and fed by individuals’ self-serving nature. Regardless, eighteenth century New York was a troubled place and Horsmanden’s Journal of the Proceedings gives us a partial but valuable insight to the lives and interactions of colonial New York’s peoples.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Intelligence Led Policing Essay

Intelligence Led Policing is a strategy that reduces crime through a strategic management and effective enforcement of strategies that target prolific offenders. In order to reduce social harm, the police have to work wider partners for wider potential solutions. The police have to combine their knowledge on criminal intelligence with crime analysis knowledge so as to come up with a substantial decision. It aims in achieving crime reduction and prevention by disrupting the activities of offenders through employment of a top-down management approach. Another way of predicting a prolific offender is through strategic targeting and prioritization. Targeting should be strategic towards individuals, location or operations that will produce the best results and success, thus enabling police officers to work effectively (Peterson, 2005). In addition, the information should be from reliable sources so as to allow the best results without breaching innocent people’s rights. Another issue is the use of previous crimes records as indicators so as to foster preventive measures in order to mitigate the offender from committing crimes. This operation can happen to be the best given that the information at hand is reliable but it can be unethical if the target happens to be clean (Peterson, 2005). Furthermore, through proper data collection either through physical surveillance, electronic surveillance, confidential informants, and public records or under covers operators who have provided vital information which after being analyzed they guarantee success. In conclusion, Intelligence Led policing focuses on certain criminal activities and key criminals can be targeted for inquiry after there problems are assessed. Moreover, some character and upbringing traits are use to predict recidivist behavior which helps in predicting prolific offenders and it tries to capture both operational and ethical issues. The number of times an offender has appeared in court, drug users’ and having delinquent acquaintances foster a good prolific offender target.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Are Too Many People Going to College Essay

Too Many People Indeed In America higher education has become an expectation of high school teachers, advisors, and parents for students to obtain a successful life and prosper in their field of study, no matter the conditions, after graduating high school. In this article, â€Å"Are Too Many People Going to College,† written by Charles Murray, he feels that not everyone is meant to earn a college degree, even though society thinks otherwise. Charles Murray believes that the elementary years are the prime years for learning the core knowledge, and that â€Å"starting early is partly a matter part of necessity† (Murray 224). The reason for this occurrence is, because most young children enjoy learning more than adult students. The classes in high school are assumed to prepare you for college, but they teach this curriculum â€Å"at a level below college course demands,† so Murray believes that it can either prepare the interested ones for this post secondary transition, or be more work for what it is worth, according to what their future has in store for them (Murray 224). Students who realize they want to attend a post secondary school are offered two and four year degrees. Four-year degrees have become standard for people who have the will power and resources to achieve the diploma at the end, but not many people are willing to finish through. â€Å"†¦In 1995, only 58 percent had gotten their B.A. five academic years later. Another 14 percent were still enrolled,† so now their four-year plan has now ended up being five years, six years, and eventually a degree for some. Finding a job that absolutely requires a Bachelors Degree is rare these days. So obtaining this extra two-year degree may be a waste of time and money for most students. Not everyone wants to be a lawyer or doctor anyways, there are some people that want â€Å"to become a good hotel manager, software designer, accountant, hospital administrator†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and going to a college that offers a two year  program or technical college would be the most proficient way abou t dealing with this (Murray 230). When someone is not in the top percentile in their class they should not focus on earning a B.A. and becoming an â€Å"average Joe† in their field of study, e.g., business manager; but to focus on becoming an engineer, e.g., electrician, in a line of work that they would enjoy. The world will always need people who will love to work with their hands, and mentally require a technical college education. Murray is saying in â€Å"Are Too Many People Going to College† you can go learn what you need to, to become an electrician, or whatever specialty you enjoy, in two years, get out, and make money, and then watch the business guy still be studying for two more years. Society is what tells us who is better than whom, and most of it depends on our education. Murray states in this article that many people do not need to attend college, but that everyone deserves and needs the opportunity to learn all that they can from whatever source it may be, just do not go sign up for a B.A. program if you do not think you will be interested in it, or complete it. â€Å"There must be a better way† (Murray 242). Works Cited Murray, Charles. â€Å"Are Too Many Going to College.† They Say, I Say with Readings. 2nd Edition. Eds. Graff, Birkenstein, Durst. New York: Norton, 2012. 222-242. Print.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Organizational Effectiveness Essay

The survival of an organization must have the ability to change with the environment. New generations and advanced technology continue to challenge organizations. To completely gain an understanding on the effectiveness of an organization, it is important to identify the three key metrics and provide an example for each. Next, a company will be selected for ineffectiveness and a description of practices that have contributed to the organizations ineffectiveness. The last metric is recognized for the beneficial purpose toward the effectiveness on the organization. Key Metrics and Examples â€Å"Because managers are responsible for utilizing organizational resources in a way that maximizes an organization’s ability to create value, it is important to understand how they evaluate organizational performance† (Jones, 2010, p. 15). The three key metrics for an effective organization are control, innovation, and efficiency. The first key metric is control which is defined as focusing on the customers, stakeholders, and internal and external resources of the organization. The second key metric is innovation which means the recreation or discovery of a new product. During the innovation of a new product, the organization must then look into developing new skills and processes for the employees. The third key metric is efficiency which means to stay on top of competitive products, gaining knowledge of new technology, all in a cost effective and timely manner. An example of control is when management takes the action to secure â€Å"scarce and valued skills and resources from outside the organization† (Jones, 2010, p. 15). To provide an example of innovation from an internal approach, a manager will evaluate an employee’s skills and ask them to invent a creative product based on their customer’s needs. An example of efficiency is  Ã¢â‚¬Å"convert skills and resources efficiently into finished goods and services (technical approach)† (Jones, 2010, p. 15). Ineffective Business and Practices An ineffective business I am familiar with is a county courthouse I worked with for over five years. The practices they were utilizing in their offices was confusing for new hired employees and courtroom staff. Each courtroom judge and their staff ran their office differently so the main district clerk office would have to train their staff various ways pertaining to each judge. Information entered into an old software application was not accurate and documents were stored in folders with mistaken case numbers on some case files. Constituents would often miss their court dates due to lack of written communication because the district clerk staff was not mailing out the forms in the appropriate time. Eventually, the courthouse had to benefit in a new technological approach to become an effective organization. â€Å"The technical approach allows managers to evaluate how efficiently an organization can convert some fixed amount of organizational skills and resources into finished goods and services† (Jones, 2010, p. 17). Metrics to Improve Effectiveness â€Å"Three metrics that are beneficial in measuring technical effectiveness include measuring product quality to be sure it increases, reduce the number of defects, and reducing production costs† (Jones, 2010). In this scenario, the measurement of product efficiency and productivity based on inputs and outputs is a beneficial way to measure effectiveness. Goals should be defined for control, innovation, and efficiency based on the focus of technology and the data exchanged between offices. It is important to increase the completion of files each day with accurate input on a data system. Reducing inaccurate data or misplaced information for courts will also increase the effectiveness of productivity between the court and clerk offices. The reduction of paper is a production cost if the software application is utilized to its full capacity. Conclusion The definition of an organization environment is â€Å"the set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization’s boundaries but affect its  ability to acquire and use resources to create value† (Jones, 2010, p. 2). An organization that is willing to reinvent itself as their environment changes will be an effective organization that continues to succeed with their products and value their employees. To measure the effectiveness of an organization, the three metrics must be utilized within the inputs and outputs of processes. A county government office was selected for its ineffective practices but with improvement on the three measurements, the organization has the capability of working in an effective manner that would provide a large amount of revenue after five years. Reference Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational, Design, Theory, and Change (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.